Saturday, October 31

sometimes all you need is one.

I really enjoy watching people, or really just observing people. Right now I’m sitting in Barnes & Noble taking a study break and realizing that people never cease to amaze me. I think what most amazes me is just how different every person is, no two are even remotely similar. This fact in and of itself is one of the main reasons I want to be a nurse. People are different in SO many ways, and yet deep down the human body is basically the same. Everyone absorbs and digests food in the same way, everyone starts out the same way, everyone physiologically fights off a virus in the same way and yet no two people are exactly the same. We are all different, but still the same.

I learned something the other day in on of our many OB lectures, and for some unknown reason it really hit me. My professor told my class that only 1% of babies born need some form of assistance with the transition from life inside the mother to life outside. Those 1% are the babies that end up in the NICU, for whatever period of time. This just amazed me, only 1%. 1% of babies, and yet that’s enough babies for pretty much every hospital to have a NICU, which means NICU nurses, NICU doctors, and the many other specialties that work in the NICU to get those babies healthy. That really puts things in perspective.

One percent is most likely about the same percentage of people that need to be hospitalized. Isn't that amazing? One percent of the population is what is going to give me a job when I graduate, 1%. That just seems crazy to me!

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