Sunday, October 4

Numero Uno!

So here I sit, on the eve of my 2nd Care Management test and what do I do, but start a blog!
It's 10 o'clock and I've done about all the studying my brain can take- at least until tomorrow when it'll be time to start studying for Informatics. One of my friends inspired me to start something that I can look back on. Nursing school is intense, to say the least, and I would like to be able to reflect a little on my experiences as I make my way through the last two years, and most importantly clinicals.

My first clinical ended last Wednesday, I finished school screenings! I absloutley LOVED it, but then anyone that knows me knows I could easily spend the rest of my days surrounded by children and be completely happy. Now, I probably won't end up being a school nurse, but it was a great experience, and in my opinion a awesome first clinical.

This is the first weekend where it's Sunday night and I actually am feeling good about the week ahead of me. I may not have done all of my homework, or studied as much as I should have, but I am okay with that. Maybe it's my exhaustion and information-overloaded brain catching up to me, or maybe I am finally starting to get the hang of it (nursing school, that is).

Whatever it is, I am hoping that is next Care test will turn out a little better than the last one, I am hoping that I finally got the hang of how to study for these tests.

All I know is that this is the start to a new week, and I am going to do the best I can to make it though! I start Long Term Care this week, so I won't be expecting to have to much free time, or really any at all. Let's just say this is going to be a very interesting week!

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