Monday, March 1

five days and counting

I've come to the conclusion that time does exactly the opposite of what you want it to. When you want the time to go fast it seems to drag on second by second, and vise versa. Last semester seemed like it dragged on forever when all I wanted was Christmas break, but yet now time seems to be flying by. Today was the first day of March, spring break starts on Friday, I finish my 2nd clinical this week--where is the time going? I am really enjoying this semester, I don't want it to be halfway over.

I do want this latest rotation to be over though. I tried to go into this rotation with an open mind, because you can never love something if you don't give it the chance, but let me tell you I got my answer in the first few minutes of the first day. Adult Medical/Surgical, which is pre-op/post-op patients, is just not my thing. Most of the patients are 65+, and not in to good of health. It seems to remind me a lot of long term care last semester, but not quite so intense. I just don't seem to be enjoying the older adult population quite as much as the younger population. Things just seem to smell worse, look worse and are just so much more depressing. Whenever I get to do nursing I always enjoy it, but this rotation I'm not really having any fun.

So needless to say, one thing I am ready to be over is this rotation. Also, I am very ready for spring break. I'm ready to be back in Texas again and to see sunshine every day.
But as always, it's not gonna come easy. I have a midterm tomorrow, two more days of clinical and a John Mayer concert to go to before I can officially call it spring break and be back on Texas soil! Five more days is all I have to keep telling myself....

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