Monday, February 13

here we are

I've made it through my first week on my own! Now I'm not up to a full assignment...they sort of ease you into that- but I also no longer have someone double checking everything I do.  This also means that I no longer have that same back up person to fall back on when a parent asks a question I don't know the answer to, which is what I am the most scared of.  What happens when I get a question and I have no idea what the answer is, how do I tell a parent that while still keeping up their confidence in me.  What do I do when a kid doesn't react to a medication or treatment the way they should, how do I react?  I know these answers will come in time, but it's a little daunting just how much I don't know.  I can only hope that I get understand parents who will not get frustrated with me as I am gaining my bearings.  I can only hope that I can get a little more comfortable day by day, until I wake up one day knowing that I know what I am doing, inside and out.

Sunday, February 5

blank page

Seeing that it's basically February I suppose I could do a reacap of this past year, which was a pretty monumental one for my books.  
I not only graduated college (with honors) with my BSN, but I also passed boards and became a registered nurse in Texas, and in Omaha. I also got a job- not just any job, but my dream job.  I literally love going into work and look forward to my nights spent with the little kiddos.  

I went on my first vacation with just my friends, to where else but the beach.  We took a little day trip up into Philadelphia where I did cool things like taking pictures with the liberty bell.  

Perhaps the most important thing that happened this last year was I got a puppy! My sweet little Darcy who happens to be a ball of fire and energy keeps me company on my days off. 

Not one, but two of my very best friends got married and I had the honor of being in both of the weddings and getting to spend the day with them.  I find it a little hard to believe that I can have two married friends, but I guess that just goes to show that I'm actually growing up.  

I'm excited for what this year has in store for me. Last year was filled with so many monumental milestones, I'm not sure how this year is going to stand up.  I've been thinking about my goals for this year, and how last year most of my goals dealt with school, and this year it's hard to imagine life without it.  I'm thinking that my goals for this year will look something like this:

1. Run (at least) 5 5ks, with Darcy of course.
2. Learn how to properly change a tire on my bike, amongst other things I should know how to do.
3. Travel to someplace I haven't been before.
4. Enroll in a class.