Wednesday, December 23

baby baby baby time.

Not mine, of course! (phew) And really, it was more like the severe lack of babies in my OB rotation.

Evidentially expectant mothers in Omaha decided not to have their babies on Tuesday mornings, because I had the chance to see ZERO labors. Yeah, ZERO, zilch, nada. What luck, right?

So that was a little disappointing, but what can you do?

Now, if I must be honest my whole OB rotation wasn't a bust. My first day in OB was pretty exciting. I got to give a not even one hour old baby her newborn immunizations! So that was really cool, to be a part of the whole newborn admission process. And I got to give a newborn bath, which was probably the highlight of my whole rotation. I got to give a TRUE newborn her very first bath! Now, how many people can say they've done that? That was really, really cool.

But after that excitement of the first day, it kind of all went downhill from there. The second day in OB there was not a single mother in labor, in fact there was only ONE baby on the whole floor! But no worries, we took full advantage of the down time and spent all morning learning/working on discharge teaching for a new family, and then I was able to be involved in one mom/baby's discharge teaching. And let me tell you-beside the whole fact that the parents have a brand new baby on their hands, we then go and overload them with all of the discharge information. WHOA. It's a really good thing that everything we tell/teach them is written down, because if I was in the parent's place I wouldn't remember a single word anyone told me. I can't even begin to imagine how overwhelming the whole process of having a baby can be, but for me I thought it was like the coolest thing ever. I took in everything in that I could, soaking in all up like a sponge.

I am just amazed by the fact that the human body can produce another human being. I mean, that is just out of this world. I think that it's my fascination with that whole concept that made me so excited for my OB rotation. And I know that I'll be just as excited for my 2nd OB rotation next semester, because the whole process is just so mind-blowing. And that's why even though I did not get the chance to see a labor this was still my best and most favorite rotation thus far.

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